Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and Virus 2 Home Remedies

Do you want to know the 21 days natural cure for herpes?
You have come to the right place!
Herpes simplex is a virus that causes genital herpes. That means there isn’t a known “cure” for preventing symptoms from reappearing. During an HSV-1 or HSV-2 outbreak, however, there are several things you can do to get some relief.
Through out this 21 days natural cure for herpes, there is a combination of lifestyle modifications and dietary supplements, you may be able to lessen inflammation, irritation, and other symptoms. These treatments, however, should not be used in place of a clinical treatment plan.
Before attempting any alternative treatment, you should always consult with a doctor or other healthcare expert. They’ll be able to talk about dosages, side effects, and interactions.
Following these various treatments for 21 days, herpes will be cured
Herpes home treatments that works
These tried-and-true home remedies may help relieve swelling, itching, and stinging caused by outbreaks. In your kitchen cabinet or medicine chest, you most likely already have everything you need for these treatments.
1. Compresses that are warm
According to preliminary study, using heat as soon as you see a pain developing may be beneficial. Heat may assist to reduce discomfort and swelling if a sore has already formed.
Fill a sock halfway with rice and microwave for slightly under a minute to generate a dry heated compress.
2. Apply a cool compress.
A cold compress can also be used to relieve swelling. Apply ice to the affected area with an ice pack or a clean, soft washcloth loaded with ice. Every 4 hours, repeat as required. Always avoid putting ice directly on the skin.
3. paste of baking soda
Applying a baking soda paste to lesions can help them dry out and decrease irritation. Dip a damp cotton ball or Q-tip into a little amount of pure baking soda and dab it on the sore to do this.
4. Paste made from cornstarch
Corn starch paste can also be used to reduce itching and dry out sores. Apply a little amount of cornstarch to the afflicted region with a damp cotton ball or Q-tip.
5. Garlic that is applied topically

Garlic may have antiviral capabilities against both herpes types, according to older study. To dilute, crush a fresh garlic clove and blend it with olive oil. This mixture can be applied to a sore up to three times per day.
ACV is known for its anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects when applied topically. Apply one part apple cider vinegar to three parts warm water to the afflicted region.
Changes in diet
Eating the correct foods in this 21 days natural cure for herpes and avoiding specific substances can help your immune system fight the herpes virus.
Changing your diet, according to anecdotal data, may help reduce outbreaks.
Clinical data does support some of these assertions, albeit additional research is needed.
Vegetables high in antioxidants
Antioxidant-rich foods can help to enhance your immune system and reduce inflammation. Antioxidants that bind free radicals are abundant in cauliflower, spinach, kale, and tomatoes. They also have a higher lysine to arginine ratio, which is helpful for herpes suppression.
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids.
Omega 3-chain fatty acids can aid in the management of chronic inflammatory disorders by the immune system. These fatty acids are abundant in salmon, mackerel, flaxseed, and chia seeds.
Protein consumption is essential for the body’s immunological response to the herpes virus and other infections. Eating a high-protein, low-saturated-fat diet that includes almonds, eggs, and oats.
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant.
Vitamin C has been shown to effectively hasten the healing of herpes outbreaks, according to research. It may also aid in the lengthening of the interval between outbreaks.
Vitamin C is abundant in colorful fruits and vegetables such as bell peppers, oranges, and strawberries. Mango and papaya fruits are likewise high in lysine, although they don’t add a lot of it to your diet.
Zinc therapy may help you have fewer herpes outbreaks while also extending the period between them. Wheat germ, chickpeas, lamb, and pork can help you get more zinc in your diet.
B-complex vitamins
B vitamins can help your body adapt to the herpes virus by boosting your immune system. Green beans, eggs, spinach, and broccoli are all good sources of vitamin B.
Acid should be avoided.
Cold sores can be broken open by acidic foods before they heal. Acidic foods include fruit juice, beer, sodas, and processed foods. Instead of these foods, opt for water or effervescent seltzer.
L-arginine should be avoided.
When possible, stay away from foods that are high in arginine. This amino acid is very abundant in chocolate, and some individuals believe it can cause herpes symptoms. Instead, opt for a vitamin-dense choice like dried mango or apricots to satisfy your sweet taste.
Sugar should not be introduced to your diet.
Added sugars are converted to acid in your body. For desserts, avoid meals with added sugar and opt for naturally sweet delights like bananas and oranges.
Processed or preservative-laden foods should be avoided.
Synthetic preservatives in processed foods may add to oxidative stress. Keeping oxidative stress levels low during outbreaks may aid in healing.
Remove highly processed foods from your diet, such as frozen dinners, refined grain goods, and candy.
Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages.
In your body, alcohol degrades to the same level as sugar. Sugar consumption has been linked to the reduction of white blood cells, which can make outbreaks more likely. If you must drink alcohol, do it in moderation and select a less acidic beverage, such as wine.
Supplements for Herpes

Supplements for herpes can help by boosting your immune system and aiding in the suppression of breakouts.
It’s worth noting, though, that supplements are not regulated by the FDA in the same way that medicines are. in this 21 days natural cure for herpes Before using any supplement, you should always consult with a healthcare practitioner. Some supplements for herpes may interfere with prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
Taking zinc may help you have fewer herpes outbreaks each year. A daily dose of 30 milligrams (mg) may be sufficient to combat a herpes outbreak.
B-complex vitamins
All of the B-class vitamins are found in vitamin B complex tablets. These vitamins help you feel more energized, improve your metabolism, and promote healthy cell growth. When the virus is attacking the body during an active outbreak, these functions are critical.
The amount of each B vitamin in a B-complex supplement for herpes varies depending on the supplement.
Lysine is an amino acid that helps your body digest food and develop healthy cells. Lysine’s ability to prevent herpes simplex outbreaks is still being studied. According to some findings, a daily lysine intake of 500 mg to 3,000 mg may be useful.

Certain probiotic strains have been proven to aid in the body’s immunological response to herpes infections. Taking probiotics can help your immune system in a variety of ways. The first step is to consume yogurt.
Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains in probiotic supplements have been shown to increase immunological function.
Herbs, oils, and other topical remedies
Certain topicals, when used correctly, can assist expedite healing, alleviate itching, and numb discomfort.
If you don’t dilute many topical chemicals, such as essential oils, they might burn through your skin barrier. Carrier oils, like as jojoba and coconut oil, are essential for securely applying topical medicines. Unless otherwise specified, all of the topicals listed below should be used with a carrier oil.
Before running a full application, you should also run a patch test. This is the only method to be sure you’re not putting something annoying on a sensitive spot.
Follow these steps to perform a quick patch test:
Apply the cream on the inside of your forearm.
Wait at least 24 hours.
If itching, inflammation, or other irritation occurs, wash the area well and stop using the product.
It should be okay to apply elsewhere if you don’t encounter any negative symptoms within 24 hours.
Look for topicals like aloe vera, manuka honey, licorice extract, and echinacea extract that don’t need to be diluted with a carrier oil.
For the following topicals, purchase a carrier oil:
a blend of essential oils (tea tree, chamomile, ginger, thyme, eucalyptus)
neem extract witch hazel extract lemon balm extract
Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera has been shown to have wound-healing effects. These characteristics could help to treat and calm herpes lesions. Aloe vera gel that has not been diluted can be applied straight to practically any part of the body.
Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic.

Tea tree oil is an antiviral component that has been demonstrated to aid in the treatment of herpes. Before using tea tree oil to a cold sore or genital herpes, dilute it with a carrier oil.
Hazel is a type of witchcraft.
Antiviral effects of witch hazel are significant. Some people find that pure witch hazel does not irritate them, while others feel that it stings them. If you have sensitive skin, you should use a diluted solution.
Manuka honey is a type of honey that comes from New Zealand
Manuka honey applied topically may be as effective as acyclovir in treating HSV-1 and HSV-2, according to older study. Manuka honey does not need to be diluted before use.
Milk from a goat
Herpes simplex can be treated using goat milk, which contains an antiviral ingredient. You can use goat milk straight from the animal without diluting it.
Essential oil of chamomile
According to certain studies, chamomile essential oil has anti-viral and anti-soothing effects that could aid in the treatment of HSV-2. It needs to be diluted with carrier oil.
Ginger essential oil
Ginger essential oil has the potential to kill the herpes virus on contact.It must be diluted withacarrieroil.
Essential oil of thyme
Thyme essential oil may also help to combat the herpes virus. It must be mixed with a carrier oil before use.
sage oil from Greece
The herpes virus may also be fought with Greek sage oil. It must be mixed with a carrier oil before use.
Eucalyptus essential oil
Eucalyptus oil has the potential to be a powerful antiviral in the fight against herpes. It also soothes and aids in the healing process. It must be mixed with a carrier oil before use.
oregano oil from Mexico
Carvacrol, a potent antiviral component, is found in Mexican oregano oil. It must be mixed with a carrier oil before use.
Extract of lemon balm
Lemon balm extract essential oil may help to prevent breakouts and transmission. It must be mixed with a carrier oil before use.
Extract of sage and rhubarb combined
According to older research, a topical sage-rhubarb preparation may be as efficient as acyclovir in treating HSV-1 symptoms. A carrier oil must be used to dilute this mixture.
Extract of licorice
The key component in licorice root contains antiviral and anti-inflammatory activities. Because of these qualities, licorice extract appears to be a viable treatment for outbreaks. Licorice can be applied straight without diluting.
Extract of Echinacea
Echinacea extract could be a good antiviral for both types of herpes simplex. It’s also an anti-inflammatory, so it might help with current outbreaks. Echinacea extract can be used straight without dilution.
Extract of neem
Neem extract may offer anti-herpes properties as well. Neem extract in its purest form is quite strong and may cause skin irritation. It must be mixed with a carrier oil before use.
Do’s and don’ts in general
Here are some broad guidelines for dealing with outbreaks.
If you have a cold sore, you should replace your toothbrush.
When you’re under a lot of stress, get plenty of rest, vitamin C, and zinc tablets.
To protect your skin from the sun, wind, and cold, use a hypoallergenic, clear lip balm.
DO NOT attempt to pop, drain, or otherwise interfere with the healing of a cold sore.
Wear cotton underwear and loose clothing if you have a genital herpes outbreak.
DO take long, hot showers and keep the surrounding area clean and dry at all times.
DO NOT take a bath or relax in a hot tub.
I haven’t had sex in a long time. Even if you use a condom, the virus might be transmitted.
Last but not least
Home remedies are a useful adjunct therapy, but they are not a replacement for clinical treatment.
Make an appointment if nothing seems to be working.
what is the meaning of herpes?

Herpes simplex is a virus that causes genital herpes. That means……..
What kind of Home treatment works on herpes?

paste of baking soda
Applying a baking soda paste to lesions can help them dry out and decrease irritation. Dip a damp cotton ball or Q-tip into a little amount of pure baking soda and dab it on the sore to do this.………..
Does B-Complex vitamins help to cure herpes

All of the B-class vitamins are found in vitamin B complex tablets. These vitamins help you feel more energized, improve your metabolism, and promote healthy cell growth.