Not all people with diabetes need drug therapy. A healthy eating plan and exercise and effective herbal treatment alone can be enough if the person makes significant lifestyle changes. This health condition can be prevented by following a low glycemic load diet (basically, a diet low in sugars), staying physically active, and consuming our holistic treatment for diabetes in 30 days.

Food is pleasure, and diabetes is not a reason to deny yourself that pleasure. The diet for diabetes should be balanced and based on the principles of a healthy diet, just like people without diabetes.
All food contains three main categories of nutrients: protein, fat, and carbohydrates. The main type of nutrient that affects blood sugar (glucose) levels is carbohydrates. You probably already know that when digested, carbohydrates are converted into energy for the body, or glucose. The glucose then enters the bloodstream and causes the blood sugar to rise. This usually happens 15 minutes after eating, depending on the type and amount of food. Insulin is needed in order for sugar in the form of glucose to travel from the bloodstream to the cells, providing them with energy. Since people with type 1 and sometimes type 2 diabetes are insulin dependent, it is important for them to know the amount of carbohydrates in all foods and drinks they consume. Knowing how to count the carbohydrates in food helps in calculating the amount of insulin to be administered usinga pen syringe or insulin pump .
What foods contain carbohydrates?
- Starchy foods: breads, cereals, crackers, rice, pasta, and cereals
- Starchy vegetables : potatoes, peas, beans, and corn
- Fruit and fruit juices
- Milk and yogurt
- Sweets: honey, table sugar, syrup, jellies, candy, sports drinks, cookies, cakes, pastries, ice cream and puddings
Two methods for calculating carbohydrates:
- System of Bread Units
The essence of this method is to present food products in the form of portions, each of which contains 10 grams of carbohydrates. A portion containing 10 grams of carbohydrates is called a bread unit (also known as starch unit, carbohydrate unit, substitute). - Calculation of the amount of carbohydrates
This system involves weighing products and calculating the amount of carbohydrates in each portion. The main tools for calculating carbohydrates are kitchen scales, labels on food packages, food calorie tables, and recipe books with weekly menus.
Nutrition for diabetes mellitus, both type 1 and type 2, can be based on special diets, many of which have proven to be successful. However, be sure to check with your doctor or dietitian before trying a new meal plan.
Low GI foods
Some people with diabetes find that a low glycemic index (GI) diet can help lower glycated hemoglobin levels. Replacing high-GI foods with low-GI foods avoids the sudden release of sugar into the bloodstream after a meal, which in turn eliminates spikes in blood sugar.
High GI foods:
- Products with molasses, honey and corn syrup
- White bread and white flour products
- Potatoes, corn and carrots
- White rice and white pasta
- Chips and popcorn
- Sweet fruits (such as pineapple, melon, bananas)
- Sugary drinks, beer and most liquors
Low-GI foods are more slowly absorbed in the body and do not cause a sharp rise in sugar after a meal. Low GI foods:
- All foods with sweeteners (such as aspartame, fructose, and saccharin)
- Whole grain rye or wheat flour bread
- Nuts, olives and cheese
- Red wine
When choosing which diet will become the basis of your daily diet, be sure to pay attention to its balance. The National Health Service recommends that you increase the amount of fiber in your diet while reducing the amount of fat you eat (particularly saturated fat) . While this recommendation mostly applies to people with type 2 diabetes who are struggling with being overweight, it will also be useful for people with type 1 diabetes.

- Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
- Formulated to help support organs involved in blood glucose balance.
- Helps maintain energy levels.
- Promotes healthy weight management.
Exercise for type 2 diabetes

We recommend that you devote at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. The intensity of the exercise must be discussed with your doctor.
Examples of physical activity
- Light (all the above loads are considered light if they are performed without stress): walking, cycling, housework and gardening, yoga classes, bowling, table tennis, ice skating, dancing.
- Moderate : brisk walking and cycling, swimming, aerobics, light weight lifting (barbell, etc.), tennis, football, basketball (amateur), going downstairs, skiing (downhill), snow removal, dancing (in the ballroom).
- Severe : jogging, lifting weights (barbell, etc.) with heavy loads, sports (cycling, football, basketball, swimming, skiing), climbing stairs, professional dancing.
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